♫ Bitmuncher's Sound Garden ♫

♪ Music ♪

Without music, the world would be much sadder. And sometimes the music can be sad, too. Here's a list of songs I like to listen to. Welcome to my "dark" music world!

Calva Y Nada is EBM at its best.

I love "Goethes Erben". The music of this band has surrounded me since my youth.

Linea Aspera makes exactly the music I like for dancing.

This song by Mono Inc. has the potential to become the anthem of gothic culture (at least here in Germany).

Technikult of Flesh made this fantastic video, that give sooo much cyber gothic vibes.

Sometimes I need very dark Depressive Suicidal Black Metal (DSBM).

No metal night without Nachtblut.

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